Hello, feel free to leave a message! ^v^ (or not, that's fine too O.O)


3:59am 02-20-2024

Just wondering... how exactly did you find my website?

On LuLu in Cyberspace
Hey! Your Website looks amazing! Keep up the great work. Will visit again soon

6:56am 02-18-2024

Just wondering... how exactly did you find my website?

a button on someone elses site!
i LOVE your site omg its so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3:30pm 12-01-2023

Just wondering... how exactly did you find my website?

Through Neocities!
I just absolutely love your website! It's so colorful and I love all the rainbows being used here!
9:29am 11-19-2023

Just wondering... how exactly did you find my website?

from a button on ne0nbandit's site!
your site is so cool!! i love how all the links are rainbow!
4:01am 10-13-2023

Just wondering... how exactly did you find my website?

blinkie on another neocities website
your website is gorgeous!!!
4:47pm 10-05-2023

Just wondering... how exactly did you find my website?

throu a neighbor's site, riqo specifically (nasunikki)
your site is quite impressive ! how'd u start website design n such? i've tried making a website a couple times but i never rly know where to start and it just ends up going nowhere
8:23pm 09-25-2023

Just wondering... how exactly did you find my website?

i saw your cool button on slashdiv's (neocities) links page
i love your site, the purple with rainbow is rlly fun!! :3 your art is also very pretty and cozy <3
9:19am 09-18-2023

Just wondering... how exactly did you find my website?

browsing the neocities gallery
i just found neocities & am crying, i feel like i'm home. like a part of my inner child has been searching for something & that something is the sites on neocites. your site is one of those sites that make me smile from ear to ear. i'm excited to see your site grow & thank you for being so awesome & creative! <3
6:34am 08-22-2023

Just wondering... how exactly did you find my website?

found it through yr silly button on asters-asterisms neocity! :3
was looking thru neocities 4 inspo and yr site absolutely ROCKS, i love the vibe so much, it is so cool!!!! also yr artstyle is so fuckin pretty, i love yr ocs they seem so cool. hope youre havin a good day bro, yr site gave me so much inspiration
10:02am 08-21-2023
a silly

Just wondering... how exactly did you find my website?

hiiii i found your website through plasticdinos neocity
just browsing through neocities to get inspiration. i really like your use of rainbow colors!!! love your website!
11:04am 08-14-2023
river o' styx

Just wondering... how exactly did you find my website?

was watching a streamer named andou who was looking at cool neocities sites! ( like yours ^-^)
hope you're having a lovely day! the music choice is top tier
2:05pm 06-24-2023
ghast guest

Just wondering... how exactly did you find my website?

neocities user yuentp 's links page!
wonderful site!! the notes in your source code are super cute and helpful the gradients and text animation are so fun and lively :-)
11:31am 06-14-2023

Just wondering... how exactly did you find my website?

i'm pretty sure through retroring? or another site linked to it... i kinda forgot
very pretty site
10:43am 06-10-2023

Just wondering... how exactly did you find my website?

a button on https://plasticdino.neocities.org (hoping links work in this box)
Your site is so damn cool
12:46pm 04-21-2023

Just wondering... how exactly did you find my website?

visiting random sites on status.cafe
hiii love ur site so much its so cute :]
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